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CNA Classes in Omaha

Omaha is Nebraska’s largest city and the seat of Douglas County. It is the anchor of the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro area, which is a bi-state, eight-county region. More than one million people live within 50 miles of downtown Omaha. However, the city itself has a population of almost 500,000 people. Being such a booming metropolitan area, there are many things to do that range from cultural activities to watching sporting events. There are also many employment opportunities.

If you are wondering about CNA training and jobs in Omaha, the opportunities are there. CNAs are essential in hospitals, home health, assisted living, nursing homes, rehab facilities, hospice, and other clinical environments. There are over a dozen hospitals in Omaha, and approximately 12% of the population is over the age of 65. The aging population is increasing the CNA demand.

How to Become a CNA in Omaha


In Nebraska, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) oversees the Certified Nurse Aide certification process. There are training and testing requirements that must be met before certification is granted, but the path is a relatively short one. The first step on that path is to find a CNA program to acquire the proper training so the certification exam can be taken. A qualified program requires 75 hours, with 16 of those hours being practical training. A one-hour Abuse/Neglect/Misappropriation training course must also be completed in addition to the 75 hours.

If you are a CNA transferring from another state, you will have to provide DHHS with proof of your training, complete the one-hour Abuse/Neglect/Misappropriation training, and be in good standing on the out-of-state CNA registry. If a CNA moving from another state is unable to prove employment or testing within the past 24 months, a re-competency exam must be taken at an approved testing college.

Individuals trained in the military or an equivalent program will need to request a review of their training record. This can result in an exemption from taking the Nebraska CNA exam.

Omaha Certified Nursing Assistants

Once you become a CNA in Omaha, you will need to evaluate your job prospects so you can find meaningful employment. For instance, there are more than two dozen hospitals and other medical care facilities. In addition, CNAs are needed by home health companies, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and hospice. In Nebraska, the average CNA salary is $30,000 per year. However, how much money you make depends on where you work. The national average is $28,000 per year, so Omaha’s CNA pay is higher than the national average, making it the ideal place to enter into this career field.

As for the duties of a CNA in Omaha, they include direct patient care. What this means is that you help patients with daily tasks like eating, dressing and undressing, and bathing. A CNA can also keep track of vitals, collect urine and stool samples when needed, and ensure that a patient is taking their medication correctly. Patient interactions must also be documented since a patient’s ability to communicate is very important. All of this information is reported back to the registered nurse that is assigned to that patient’s case. What this proves, however, is that CNAs are critical to patient care teams.

The average CNA salary in Omaha Nebraska is $29,130 (BLS)

Getting Familiar with Ohama Transit

Once you have a CNA job in Omaha, you have to be able to get to and from work. Aside from driving yourself, there are public transit options available. The vast number of options is no surprise since Omaha is called the “Gate City of the West.” This nickname is the result of the part the city played in the birth of transportation across the country.

It’s simple to travel by train via the Burlington Train Station and Union Station. Amtrak also provides transportation throughout Omaha. If you prefer to take the bus, Greyhound provides service, as well as Megabus. The local bus system is Metro Transit.

Nonetheless, the automobile is the primary method of transportation in the city via I-480, I-80, U.S. Route 75, I-29, and I-680. Omaha is also one of the most walkable cities in the country because of its comprehensive trail system that is open to walkers, bicyclists, and runners.

Overall, you should have no problem getting to where you need to go, whether that is by driving, walking, bicycling, taking the bus, or taking a train. There are also cab services and, of course, rideshare.


Approved CNA Training in Omaha

Metro Community College

If you need CNA training so you can move forward into a nursing career, there are several approved CNA training programs in Omaha. However, Metro Community College has a very nice program that is approved by the state and will put you on the right path. This college isn’t as old as some, as it was established in 1971 when the Nebraska Legislature decided to create eight new technical community colleges across the state. However, the college didn’t truly become Metropolitan Community College until the eight schools were consolidated into six in 1974.

The college has become one of the fastest growing post-secondary institutions in the state and a beautiful place to have CNA training. The CNA training at Metro has a number of requirements before enrolling. An applicant must be at least 16 years of age, have had a tuberculosis test within the past 12 months, submit to a background check, not have a felony, and understand that the cost of tuition and fees are approximately $500.

Metro Community College doesn’t offer re-certification. Instead, Metro recommends contacting Clarkson College, NE Methodist College, Nebraska Health Care Learning Center, or Providence Health Career Institute.

Metro’s course is 6.5 credit hours. The entire training process takes up to 30 working days to complete. The focus of the course is on long-term care of the elderly or disabled.

Free CNA Classes in Omaha

Sometimes, because of the low cost of tuition, financial aid isn’t available. This brings about the need for free CNA training programs. This type of training can usually be acquired in exchange for working for a facility. However, you must ensure that the facility is approved by the state, otherwise, you can’t take the certification exam. In Omaha, CNA programs through accredited health corporations and colleges are very low cost because of the short length of the program. Nebraska doesn’t require lengthy training to work in the field, so training is usually very affordable.

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